Radyr Sixth Form
Support and Guidance
At Radyr, we place a great emphasis on the importance of monitoring student progress, wellbeing and personal development.
When joining the Sixth Form, students are assigned a form tutor, who follows their progress closely. She/he oversees students’ personal development, monitors their academic and social progress, and helps overcome any problems or difficulties on the way. Form groups meet every morning, which provides a focal point and structure for each day.
The tutorial programme focuses on helping students cope with the transition to Advanced level study and on preparation for Higher Education and employment.
Students have access to specialist careers advice and receive extensive support when applying to Higher education which includes university visits, guest speakers, online resources and practice interviews.
A structured programme is provided for Oxbridge candidates and for those applying for specialist courses such as medicine.
We place great emphasis on the importance of Pupil Voice and students at Radyr are regularly given opportunities to express their views on the teaching and learning they receive. A thriving School Council led by Sixth Formers allows students to become more involved in the decision- making process at Radyr and strengthens the sense of community that is central to the school’s ethos.