Radyr Sixth Form
At Radyr we offer a Sixth Form experience that delivers both academic excellence and personal development opportunities. We are also committed to maintaining our reputation as one of the top performing Sixth Forms in the country through excellent and innovative teaching and the highest standard of pastoral care.
We offer a wide choice of both academic and vocational courses and take great pride in the outstanding achievements of our students. Our ‘A’ level pass rate is outstanding, with the vast majority of our students progressing to higher education and successful careers in a wide range of fields.
Radyr Comprehensive is very proud to be a school with both strong academic and pastoral traditions. The quality of student support that you can expect is exceptional and the strong relationships between staff and students has been highly praised by students, parents and Estyn.
Sixth Form life at Radyr is exciting and varied with a wide-ranging extra-curricular programme.
The school has also has formed partnerships with charities, businesses and other organisations to extend learning beyond the classroom.
A strong School Council and house system also gives students opportunities to play an active role in the school decision-making process as well as developing skills such as leadership and communication.
The following prospectus aims to showcase what we can offer at Radyr. We would be delighted to see you at our annual open evening or you may contact us at any time to arrange a visit.
Mr Andrew D Williams